Individual Donors
Thank you to the following Individual Donors for their valuable support.
Program Sponsor - $5,000 and above
The Kohler Family- Vern and Aileen Kohler Dementia Program: Making Connections through Music
The Richard and Evelyn Hahn Irrevocable Trust
Artist Sponsor - $1,000-$4,999
Johnnie Carroll
Contributor - $250-$999
Retina Carter
Deb Cohen
Jeffrey Hinebaugh
Emir Hodzic
Debbie Huffman-Mark P. Herschede Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
John Riccardi
Valerie Rost
Judy Singleton
Scott and Emily Stubbins
Supporter - $100-$249
James and Kathleen Bastin
Kathy Baker
Laura Brewer- in honor of Pauline Carmela Allard
Raphael and Kimberly de Acha
Jim Huizenga
Earlene Johnson
Larry McGruder
Steven Monder
Jeanne Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. James Rost
Will Rost
James Waddle
Gary and Diane West
Stacey Woolley
Chris Wuest
Friend - Up to $99
Kevin Arey
Amy and Michael Bailes
Shelia Brown
Phil Crabtree
Steven Dauterman
Sandra Fessler
Kathie and Ken Goode
Dan Hoffheimer
S. Marge Kloos
Robert Lincoln
June Mazzaferri
Kathleen and Leroy McCloud
James and Kim Rost
Greg and Cathy Smith
Kathy Waggoner
Norma Walker
Diane and Gary West
Marie Zureick
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